

Voices surround me in a thousand ways

Some melodious, some melodramatic

Some reach out-touch a chord

Deep down in my heart

Urging me to keep in touch

To focus, to tell all.


Dawn is dotted too with bird song

Sounds at different levels, persistent,

Persuasive to get me out

Of the unnecessary languor

To move, to love, to touch and hear

And to talk, free of rancor.


Some tense me and some tease

And thrill, for, life is indefinable

Nor straight jacketed

In voices lightly dark, dark and bright

Some strange and muffled

Yet differently reflected


Voices in nature fill

The world of men and matters

And creatures not all known.

Voice- a boundary of thin chords

Between now, never and ever

Gets slowly crucibled


Into an inner sound of silence

Penetrating, pulsating, permeating

An inexplicably ennobling Voice.


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